Monday, January 24, 2011


D-Day4. After four days from now on, I'll be back at home. Even if I want to stay longer, like I want to study here till I graduate KMLA. I learn a lot, I got along with many friends, I've met amazing teachers... Most of all is that studying programs so good that I feel like studying sometimes (And I call that's amazing, because that happens just few moments in a year.) I did 3 presentations, which was very hard, because I had to read two think books, which were the Iliad and the Histories. I got low scores, but I'm satisfied with it, because this score might be the high one, because our class students so good. --;;. I learned a lot from debate, too. I did the hardest position for four weeks which is whip speaker, so I learned how to do the clashes, summarizing and criticizms. I'm very interested in debate and also writing. When, I learn more after the time goes, I might want to write a book which ganre is fantasy.
This was my second glps and I still like here a lot and don't want to leave. I wish I could stay more. But, I made a lot of memories and that's good for me.

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