Monday, January 17, 2011

These days in glps

There was a dance party last saturday and I liked it. I played with my classmate Jiyoon, and we were like crazy. But let's think of the more realistic reality. Hey, I did 9th, and this time 11th in presentation...  Work, Work, Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooork!!!!!!!!!!!            On presentation, on debate, on writing on everything!!      Why do I have always so many things to do such as HOMEWORK!! It is not that bad, but after my hard work, the result is bad. But if I think of the meals and snacks, it is prettttttttty good. Many people say that because of hard work many students get skinny, but I might be the except ones. Anyway, I am getting along with my class and roomates, but this week there are new pas and I don't like them. To do their duties, they caught students by ridiculous reasons, such as my roomate got caught eop by saying 이화여대, and that is just the name of the university in Korea! And one more thing is that they caught students by not eating all the meals. Her pineapple was dropped and the ham was so salty. Even some of the pas told me not to eat that much because it is too salty.... and salty things are not good for your health you know, who caught me.....  Well, now I have to do the homework...

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