Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Times in Glps

Few days have passed and many things have happened.
Glps is a lot of fun than you think.../ :D
We took test for class for two days. We did writing test,
but I think that was not  so goo, but I think I did my interview smoothly.
We did opening ceremony yesterday and start studying.
I'm in class 25, I made new friends.
I think, I am going to be very fun in this camp!
And I wish I get a lot of GREENCARDS.
There is a lot of things to do in here such as homework and studies.
I'll be my best and try to enjoy myself at the same time.
I wish other students would do like that, either.
Lastly, I am very happy to be back at Glps.
I hope I finish this camp having a good result.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Joanna! Interesting wallpaper must really like ice cream and candy. Unfortunately you won't get much of that until you return home after the camp. Keep up the good work and keep blogging!:) - Mr. Garrioch
