Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After watching Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

I watched 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring' on Mr. Garrioch's class. On the first section which was spring the monk was thring to teach something to his young student. The monk was watching the young studnet bending strings on the neck of the fish, the frog and the snake. After he saw that he bend a big rock on young student's back in the night, and said, "Find animals and let them be free. If any of those have already dead you will have the rock on your back for the rest of your life." Young student found fish and snake dead and the frog was still alive. He let the frog go and was taught a lesson.
 I can learn something from this that we have to respect every single creatures on earth and I have a bad example for this. When I was in elementary school I liked it to kill ants by taking the rocks away from their hole or killing ants with the magnifier. But one day my grandmother told me to go out and play on very hot day. She didn't let me go in to the house before I got so tired of heat that I can bearly walk or speak. I was taught a lesson that to respect living things on earth whatever it is. They have rights to live without any harms from humans. For this there are some bad examples from adults. Some of the scientists use rats or hamsters to do dangerous experiment which can make them die. Even if here is no other creatures to do with, I think that's not a good idea. One day, in my school, students did an experiment about good fats and bad transfats. We gave good fats to a rat, which we named A, and gave transfats to a rat which was B. But the B rat was dead on the nineteenth day. As we can see on the movie 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring', killing ants which elementary school students like and the experiment with rats, there's no respectful of living creatures. We can't do anything to them because we are smart or think much better than they do so, I am saying in this essay that, all living creatures should be respected and get good care from humans at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Joanna, that's a powerful example with the experiment your class did. I wonder if it could be considered okay to set that rat free? Anyways, very nice blog and good writing. Keep it up!
