Monday, January 10, 2011

Too much homework by class 25

Hello, my name is Joanna and I'll tell you briefly about this essay.
We did writing chain in Mr. Garrioch's class. I started this essay and I think it ended well.
It makes sense and I think other students knew exactly what the topic was.
It didn't change a lot, but it contains many students' feelings and thoughts about homework. There are ideas I may have never thought about. So I think this essay went good enough. So, now I'll tell you the essay.

  Giving too much homework must be stopped. Students try to do their homework, but if there are too many of those, we don't even like to start that. They can improve with something others, such as impressive lesson and activities in class. Students also cannot sleep a lot doing all the homework and might cause the sleepy students class.
  And also giving too much homework might make students hate studying. They might get the notion that the more they study, the more and harder homework they get. In addition, because of doing homework is so hard and boring, they will think studying as much as homework.
  Another drawback of homework is that it causes resentment towards the great quantity, difficult and all-powerful homework givers - in other words, the teachers.
  According to my experience a student who really studies a lot in other word 'Nerd' said that he couldn't have enough time to sleep. Fortunately, I was in other class. However, this shows that we have too much homework and not much time here in Glps, too. We can not finish preparing for presentation or debate in our study time, so we have to come to use computer early in the morning. It shows tough life of students.
  Do you know how harsh it is in the life in the Glps? Me and my roommates even study in the bathroom to finish all the homework and diary! By the strict rule that students can't go to study in the night, if they are late just only 10 seconds late! However, what I am going to say again is that there is too much homework and students can't do it properly in that short time.
  I really hate some stupid homework and I think this should be stopped. Some teachers in school and academies give homework, such as writing the same words over and over again to fill out one page with the words and memorize it. It's ridiculous! Studying is the act which helps students to understand about information so they can rewrite the fact in their own words. Even if homework is for reviewing, I think giving this stupid homework should be stopped as soon as possible.
  As one can see, many students around the world are suffocated by the amount of homework. This ridiculous homework-system should be lowered to the bottom level if Korea really wants Korean students to know the world and stand up as the top leader.

Again this maybe not organized enough but the writers understand the topic perfectly as I mentioned. Well, this essay might be strange to some teachers or people, but this is exactly what students think about homework. Lastly, if our class 25 does a lot of writings, we will improve, and write better essay next time.

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