Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Diamonte Poem

Harry Potter
handsome smart
brave  kind   magical
friends  courageous  awful dirty
crazy   ugly   boss 
poor    bad

Monday, January 24, 2011


D-Day4. After four days from now on, I'll be back at home. Even if I want to stay longer, like I want to study here till I graduate KMLA. I learn a lot, I got along with many friends, I've met amazing teachers... Most of all is that studying programs so good that I feel like studying sometimes (And I call that's amazing, because that happens just few moments in a year.) I did 3 presentations, which was very hard, because I had to read two think books, which were the Iliad and the Histories. I got low scores, but I'm satisfied with it, because this score might be the high one, because our class students so good. --;;. I learned a lot from debate, too. I did the hardest position for four weeks which is whip speaker, so I learned how to do the clashes, summarizing and criticizms. I'm very interested in debate and also writing. When, I learn more after the time goes, I might want to write a book which ganre is fantasy.
This was my second glps and I still like here a lot and don't want to leave. I wish I could stay more. But, I made a lot of memories and that's good for me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Ode

Radio Announcer: Thank you for tuning in today. We are here in Pennsylvania to celebrate National Poetry Month. In just a moment, the nation's poet laureate, Emma Watson, will read a poem about a(n) Statue of Liberty. And here is Emma Watson.
Emma Watson: Thank you, everyone. This is a very cold poem I wrote about a(n) Statue of Liberty.
An Ode to a(n) Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is as big as a(n) clock.
It reminds me of small doors swimming.
O, the Statue of Liberty. O, the Statue of Liberty!
What do happy people think when they see you for the first time?
Perhaps they know there are happy days ahead.
O, the Statue of Liberty. O, the Statue of Liberty!
For some, you are crazy, but for others, you are pretty.
If we are sleeping, we pause when we think of you.
May you always ate.
O, the Statue of Liberty. O, the Statue of Liberty!
The end.
Radio Announcer: On behalf of the poets, thank you for talking.

This is a fake one. He He...

Monday, January 17, 2011

These days in glps

There was a dance party last saturday and I liked it. I played with my classmate Jiyoon, and we were like crazy. But let's think of the more realistic reality. Hey, I did 9th, and this time 11th in presentation...  Work, Work, Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooork!!!!!!!!!!!            On presentation, on debate, on writing on everything!!      Why do I have always so many things to do such as HOMEWORK!! It is not that bad, but after my hard work, the result is bad. But if I think of the meals and snacks, it is prettttttttty good. Many people say that because of hard work many students get skinny, but I might be the except ones. Anyway, I am getting along with my class and roomates, but this week there are new pas and I don't like them. To do their duties, they caught students by ridiculous reasons, such as my roomate got caught eop by saying 이화여대, and that is just the name of the university in Korea! And one more thing is that they caught students by not eating all the meals. Her pineapple was dropped and the ham was so salty. Even some of the pas told me not to eat that much because it is too salty.... and salty things are not good for your health you know, who caught me.....  Well, now I have to do the homework...

Diamante Poem

Snow white
kind     intellegent
beautiful  castle  princess 
happy   dwarves   angry   hate
mirror   witch  black
crazy       dark

Wacky Web Tales

The Great Dough Disaster

Last summer, my friend Russian Bear got a job at the sad Pastry Shop. For the first few weeks, he ate the floors, slept on the shelves, and unloaded 10billion-pound sacks of flour from the delivery trucks.
Finally, Emma Watson, the owner, told Russian Bear that she would teach him to make bread. “Now, pay attention, Russian Bear,” she said happily. “I'll make the first batch of dough. Then you can make the next batch while I go to amusment park.”
Poor Russian Bear! He had a habit of letting his nose wander. When Emma Watson left for amusment park, he started to mix the ingredients. “Let me see,” he said. “I think she put in 5230billion packages of yeast.”
A short while later, the dough started dancing. It kept on dancing. Russian Bear tried to cover it with a(n) knife, but the dough wouldn't stop dancing. It was everywhere! “What can I do?” thought Russian Bear.
Just then, Emma Watson returned from amusment park. "Russian Bear!" she screamed. “What have you done?”
“It's not my fault,” cried Russian Bear. “The dough just started dancing and wouldn't stop.”
Emma Watson had to let him go. Now Russian Bear has a job making gloves. I don't think he'll ever eat bread again, let alone make it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Funny cat

This is about funny cat which jump over the fence but fell.....
It is very funny but the cat is kind of poor .....  hehe
I got this thing on daumtvpot.  
We can't know if the cat is alright or not.. hmm....
Is it alright???///??